Computer and Internet Virus-Spyware Zone
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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The world of computer and internet has undergone certain threats over the times in form of piracy/privacy and attacks which can fault your computer system and its hardware. Virus or spyware is one of such disturbing computer’s enemies. Viruses or spywares are nothing but computer softwares coded with intention of multiplying its image and broke a computer system. Virus or spyware has shown the negative aspect of computer coding as these are also built to steal data from a computer.Virus or spyware came in multiple categories and they are recognized on the basis of their action. This is done because all the Viruses or spywares don’t have the same action and it helps the antivirus/antispyware to differentiate among the viruses and spywares and take action properly. Viruses or spywares should be recognized as computer malwares or malicious software. Any program which gets infected and also increases the chance of threat or some of them infects the whole computer system by itself. Below are the different types of virus or spyware.
- Computer worms –the infecting program will act as a worm by duplicating itself inside-out the computer system and when it infected the Win32 folder, it will corrupt the dynamic link library (.DLL) files which needed by all the programs even the Windows OS (operating system). Its works like a worm that is this type of viruses are defined as computer worms.
- Trojan – it is a kind of bad-ninja in the world of computer. It works in quiet & stealth manner. Sometimes you can’t really tell your computer already infected by one of the Trojan viruses. It will remain hidden in your computer system registries and in temporary file folders where Anti-Virus most likely hard to detect them. Trojan usually came & penetrates your computer system through internet.
- Root kits, spywares, adwares – another types of the new kind of viruses. Root kit must be detected and terminated by an anti root kit software. Spywares are software which penetrates into a computer system and automatically uploading any sensitive data to the hacker. Annoying Adware (advertisement software) can be dangerous and may have some viruses/spywares in their executable files.
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